The European Energy Transition: A year ahead of the Twenties, Bruxelles, 19 febbraio 2019

L’evento The European Energy Transition analizzerà le questioni più importanti relative all’energia per i prossimi anni. L’evento coinciderà con il lancio di un libro e di un corso online sull’argomento.

Quali sono i temi energetici che segneranno il prossimo decennio? Come sono fissati per il prossimo decennio gli obiettivi di riduzione di almeno il 40% delle emissioni di gas serra, di almeno il 32% di energie rinnovabili e del 32,5% di aumento dell’efficienza energetica? Quali sono le istituzioni di cui abbiamo bisogno e in che modo la Brexit avrà un impatto sull’Unione Energetica? Horizon Europe porterà l’imperativo dell’innovazione dalla promessa alla pratica? L’Europa continuerà a beneficiare del suo elevato standard di sicurezza dell’approvvigionamento? E la COP 25, che si terrà alla fine del 2019, vedrà un’Europa credibile e saldamente orientata verso l’energia rinnovabile?

Questo evento, co-organizzato da FSR, Bruegel e dalla Fondazione Jacques Delors, vedrà relatori di alto livello presentare le loro opinioni su questi temi.


10:00-10:15 Check-in and welcome coffee

10:15-10:30 Introduction

Susanne Nies, Managing Director Strategy & Communications, ENTSO-E

10:30-11:00 Keynote “The social and innovation dimension for the Energy Union of the 2020s” followed by Q&A – by videoconference

Pascal Lamy, President emeritus, Jacques Delors Institute

11:00-12:00 Roundtable: Institutions for the Energy Transition

Chair: Susanne Nies, Managing Director Strategy & Communications, ENTSO-E

Klaus-Dieter Borchardt, Deputy Director General, European Commission, DG ENER

Dirk Buschle, Deputy Director, Energy Community

Philip Lowe, former Director General, European Commission, DG ENER

The European energy market gets larger and more integrated. The European electricity and gas sector increasingly extends beyond the EU (Brexit, ENTSO-E synchronization, Energy Community…). And European electricity markets are growing more complex and integrated. We see shorter timeframes and smaller actors in actions that have cross-border effects. What does that mean for the relevant institutions?

12:00-13:00 Roundtable: Decarbonization policies for net-zero emissions

Chair: Jean-Michel Glachant, Florence School of Regulation (FSR)

Jos Delbeke, Director General at DG Climate Action, European Commission

Dolf Gielen, Director, IRENA

Georg Zachmann, Senior Fellow

To achieve the EU’s decarbonization targets effective climate policies need to be implemented at the EU and member states level. The discussed net zero emissions target of the proposed climate strategy will require measures that significantly go beyond the currently projected policies. Here we will discuss some policies that might be needed and what effects those might have.

13:00-13:45 Lunch

13:45-14:45 Roundtable: The new face of energy: new players, new topics, sectors coupling

Chair: Alicia Carasco, CEO of OlivoENERGY

Olivier Corradi, Founder of Tomorrow, Data Scientist and Software Engineer

Christel Heydemann, Member of the executive committee, Schneider Electric

Laurent Schmitt, Secretary-General, ENTSO-E

The energy transition is expected to imply a profoundly changing business landscape. The coupling of different energy services will allow to reap significant optimization gains. The increasing “smartness” of small suppliers and individual electricity consuming appliances will increase the number of “dispatchable” entities in the system dramatically. This can lead to the emergence of new platforms to optimize the interactions of this increasing number of players.

14:45 End

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